Our Vision
A world without borders where all are valued and supported.
Our Mission
Lives Courage, Nurtures Wonder, Inspires Justice, Includes All
Siding with Love
The Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (AUUF) was founded in 1950. Then, as now, the AUUF is a community supportive of progressive-minded friends seeking fellowship, intellectual inquiry, spiritual growth, and service to others. Our vision is a world without borders where all are valued and supported; our mission is to be an inclusive progressive community for spiritual, intellectual and social transformation.
Unitarian Universalism is a non-creedal religion, or a “faith without a creed.” People from all cultures, religious backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, and lifestyles are embraced in their personal pursuit of religious truth. We are proud members of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and, like every UUA congregation, we are self-governed, with a democratically-elected board and officers. We have made a covenant with each other about the ways in which we will interact.
AUUF invites all to be part of our Beloved Community. We celebrate the richness that comes from diversity. AUUF is proud to be a Welcoming Congregation. In 2016 AUUF became a member of Open and Affirming Congregations of the Texas Panhandle.
We are a faith in action. In our rich diversity, we are strengthened and bound together in the enduring love that compels us to serve others. The AUUF supports and works directly with homeless shelters and efforts to feed and nurture children in poverty. We join others in the work of multiculturalism, immigration reform, equality, and reproductive justice.
We have a rich history since our founding in 1950. Every January, our President gives a State of the Fellowship address to the congregation.
To get to know us better, watch this 3-minute UUA video entitled “We are Unitarian Universalists.”